Self-Help Book Recommendations

The books listed below are my personal favorites in the therapy/self-help genre. I often recommend at least one of these books to my clients as I find them highly relatable and more importantly, informative. Some are easier reads than others (in terms of brainpower and understanding), but I think everyone can learn something about themselves from these books. After all, everyone will experience suffering and trauma at some point in their lives. This is the inescapable truth of being alive.

Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find and Keep Love

Attachment theory has been around for decades. The research initially studied the attachment between mother and child and how this impacted a person over their life course. More recently, studies have focused on adult attachment and how our attachment styles impact our romantic relationships.

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

Trauma can be defined as experiencing something too little for too long or too much too soon. It significantly impacts our brain and daily functioning, so much so that it can cause chronic medical conditions, ruin relationships that matter to us and keep us from having a present or future. This is a science heavy book, so take your time with it.

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone

I think anyone can take something away from this book, but I highly recommend this to other therapists.

What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing

I love the structure of this book as it’s very conversational. I’ve been told that the audio book is the way to read it, because you get to listen to Oprah Winfrey’s voice (and who doesn’t love that). However, my mind wanders a good bit when I’m listening to something versus reading it, so I went the traditional route. Either way, it’s a great book for understanding trauma that everyone can follow.

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

Have you ever experienced setting goals and rarely accomplishing them? How often are you setting New Years resolutions and actually following through? If you’re anything like me then you are probably an amazing goal setter and absolutely terrible at follow through. I LOVE this book. It is incredibly validating and instructional. Habits have never been simplified so much in my opinion, hence, atomic. If you want to get just as good at completing goals as you are setting them, then read this book NOW! If you’re curious for a small sample of this book, check out my post on starting new habits.


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